Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Oh This Messed Up World

Oh how lost we are in our own little world. Our own little bubble. Everything blurred and unseen by the world “they” want us to see. This world we see with our eyes, in the magazines and on TVs, this is not our world. Our world has been hushed out, discriminated against in the pursuit to end discrimination. Persecuted against in the strive to end persecution. Thrown into the closet claiming to be coming out of it. A cruel world that has blinded us and only claims the description of a world because of popularity. But our true world is a place of love and of compassion and of truth. 

A place where we all work as a function, together, making one machine with no extra parts. No parts the wrong size or brand or color or shape. Whether all sizes differ in every way or identical in every way, doesn’t matter. Each of us having an individual purpose all our own, vital in holding together this functioning machine. Without each purpose it would not work. 

This is our world we are destined to keep alive. 

Not the boardwalk backdrop being shoved in our faces. These images of young girls in boyish bodies, starving yet forced to have curves, but not too much, it is terrifying.
More curve here, less you there, tighter here, loser here. All these demands and judgments of how we should look, how we should walk, how we should talk. So many requirements to strive toward with every fiber in our being yet we are supposed to look effortless. This idea that all we do is lay around and eat junk food and be cute while doing it is completely absurd. Especially when the requirements for us to be stick thin, practically bow legged, with long perfectly manicured nails and luscious locks can not be accomplished through lounging on the couch in over sized sweaters and thigh high socks while caressing teddy bears. 

That is another thing. 

There is this desire to act childish, to which in thought I would agree with, except for the perverted twist society has swung upon the idea. This hope to regain childhood innocence while cuddling your overly touchy boyfriends. 
It is like the song “Like a Virgin” by Madonna. A song of sharing love with another person, “touched for the very first time”. This moment of beginnings is ultimate innocence. The transfer from a dreamer to a lover. Putting all those day dreams of boys and how you’ll kiss them and where to put your hands, all this turning into your new reality.

 This moment is once, 

and if this moment is stolen then it can happen again with time and prayer but the idea of innocence is not like it used to be. This blinding world has taken innocence away from are aching palms.

 We are required to look perfect. This is supposed to be done effortlessly while looking like a Victoria Secret model. They call themselves angels. This is almost too terrible to think about. How could an angel of God be so provocative and revealing. The only angels I know who could bear themselves to reveal so much of their beauty to any and all passerby's are those of evil.

 The angels of darkness often disguises themselves to be light. A common act of role play. They display innocence while subliminally critiquing your own insecurities to which they create. 

How cruel.

And those poor girls, they are the ones who hold no secrets. Maybe Victoria’s secret is that she and all of her models don't have any secrets. They are all out, all there, revealed in every which way. It’s ironic really.

Cruelly ironic. 

This world. So cruel, this is not the world I strive to live in. Yes there are two worlds here. The one of society and the one of love. Love from salvation. Beauty is simply a visual of love. Let it be this way. Don't try to change the face of beauty because beauty is nothing if not genuine and raw. Free and living. Beauty is the clear display of the natural ways. These ways of life we are born with. Live lovingly and you will radiate love in every step you take. 

This is the functioning machine of a world I wish to live in. A world where innocence is innocence and beauty is beauty. A world where love simply radiates.

1 comment:

  1. You have a brilliant mind and a wise heart, my dear daughter. I am so proud of your ability to see the truth in the face of so many bombarding lies. Plus you just write really lovely and convincing
